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They are the only Pizza place of Nagpur that offer a choice of multi grain pizza base. It is made of a combination of whole wheat, jowar, Bajra and oats along with all purpose flour. Rest are only made of maida, that is all purpose flour.
They do NOT use any Mozarella cheese (which is also considered as ‘pizza cheese’) because it is not healthy and sticks to your stomach lining becoming difficult to digest. They use only a combination of processed cheese and Cheddar cheese though these are more expensive.
They use only Amul butter and/ or olive oil, no other fat.
Their pizza toppings, and sauces of pasta, are full of many vegetables like broccoli, red, yellow and green capsicum, corn, zucchini and mushrooms. There is an overload of topping, whatever you have ordered.
Only the healthiest parts of chicken, which are breast pieces, are used in chicken topping. The pizza dough is made fresh everyday, as are the sauces.
All these factors, plus the attractive and affordable pricing, have made Pizzenia very highly rated pizza makers of Nagpur, ranking in popularity above the common, international brands!
Proprietor : Neelima Sood Kapuria
Khamla : Shop No 22, Shri. Ganesh Appt. Khamla Square, Ring Road, Nagpur.
Sadar: Poonam Arcade, Opp. Moti Mahal Hotel, Sadar, Nagpur.
Khamla : 0712 – 6056565
Sadar: 0712 – 6996565