Published On : Sat, Nov 25th, 2017

Electronic Circuit Designing Workshop held at PIGCE

Nagpur: Department of Electronics/ Electronics and Communication Engineering of Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Nagpur recently organised Two Days workshop on Basics of Electronics and Circuit Designing under Electronics For You-Hobby Club for Standard XII students in their campus on 11th and 12th October 2017 Thirty students from Saraswati Vidyalaya Junior College participated in the workshop. The idea behind this workshop is to create awareness in the field of Electronics as well as circuit designing. The idea for the club formation as well as workshop was given by the Principal of the college Dr. R. V. Kshirsagar.

The two days workshop covered all basics of Electronics Engineering as well as actual circuit building. Fifteen different circuits were designed and implemented by the participants. The Coordinators of this club as well as workshop, P.V. Puranik and P. G. Chavan along with other team members guided the students. On the very first day of the workshop, V. Mankar and V. Rajput briefed about basic Electronic Components. V. Shirpurkar and M. Shelke explained about component testing. R. Lonkar gave detailed presentation on PCB circuit designing followed by a Session on Circuit Simulation delivered by  P. V. Puranik. Day 2 started with the practical session followed by Quiz Competition conducted by S. S. Motdhare.

Principal, Dr. R. V. Kshirsagar motivated the students to take full advantages of this club and workshop. Various activities and awareness programmes related to electronics will be conducted in future was assured and promised by him. Participation certificates were given to all the participants of the workshop. General Knowledge books were given as prize to the winners of the Quiz Competition.

Proceedings, Valedictory and Vote of thanks were conducted and proposed by P. Bhosale. The members and coordinators of this club and workshop , A. S. Gawarle, S. H. Jawale, U. P. Akare, P.V. Puranik, P. G. Chavan, R. S. Lonkar, Sagar Motdhare, V. R. Barwat, P. A. Bhosale, V. Shipurkar, V. Mankar, V. Rajput, M. Shelke and V. Kilche worked hard for the success of this event.
