Published On : Tue, Nov 28th, 2017

Donkeys detained in jail for 4 days in a UP town!


Who is the real donkey here?

A group of donkeys were ‘arrested’ and put in jail (‘detained’ they called it) for not a few hours but four days in this town of UP. This happened in Jalaun district.

Why? What was their crime?

They had been feeding themselves on the greenery of the jail premises, that is why. And these donkeys had the intelligent taste to know exactly what to eat… they left the grass alone and feasted themselves on the exotic vegetables sown by prison officers. This act, instead of being appreciated made the officers see red and sent the feasting donkeys straight behind bars!

It took some herculean efforts by their master to get them ‘released’. He had to even seek the help of a local politician who used his good office with the police to get the donkeys out.

The climax of the whole affair was that these 4 legged creatures were even figured prominently on TV channels walking out of prison. As if aware that they were being filmed, they were seen gliding out gracefully, one after the another, as if they were on stage doing a catwalk… no galloping out helter skelter.

Only thing missing was some ‘sound bites’ about how they were feeling to be let out; how they had been treated while in detention; what they had been fed? More of the expensive vegetables, or??

Next we know, these creatures are going to demand their right to vote… or will one of them want to contest elections?