Published On : Wed, Oct 12th, 2016

Couple jumps into Futala Lake in suicide pact



Nagpur: In a sensational incident, a husband-wife duo on Wednesday morning jumped into Futala Lake and ended their lives in a suicide pact apparently owing to their miserable economic condition. However, the exact reason behind the suicide pact could only be known after a thorough investigation by cops.

The deceased have been identified as Dinesh Kuryavanshi and Yogita Kuryavanshi. It is learnt that Dinesh was running a tea and snacks stall in Surendragad area of the city. The husband-wife duo was also in Bachat Yojana profession in the area. They used to collect Rs 500-1000 from people per month and give interest after specific days in accordance with the scheme.


It is further leant that the amounts collected by Dinesh and Yogita from people were being invested with an unidentified person. However, the person defaulted in return of the money to the Kuryavanshi couple and thus the scheme went haywire. The husband-wife duo faced hostile situation as they failed to return people’s money as promised.


According to information, Dinesh and Yogita went to bed earlier than usual and woke up too quite early. They left home without informing their children and other family members and straightaway proceeded to Futala Lake. The couple jumped into the lake and ended their lives together. The suicide pact came to notice of nearby people when they spotted Dinesh Kuryavanshi’s two-wheeler and chappals near the lake.

Ambazari police who were informed about the possible suicides by the Kuryavanshi couple undertook a search operation and found bodies of Dinesh and Yogita.