Published On : Sun, Jan 19th, 2014

Comp-Ex 2014 witnesses 3 lakh foot-falls in the week-end


Compex-3Nagpur News.

The Comp-Ex 2014 witnessed a substantial rise in the foot-falls in the last two days  January 18 & 19, 2014 (i.e. Saturday and Sunday). Denizens from all age groups thronged the venue to check-out various computer products, consumables, softwares and hardwares. The families and men folk were drawn towards those stalls that showcased surveillance systems like CCTVs and electronic door-frames. Many of them saw a utility and a vital need for such equipments for their homes and business establishments.

Gold Rate
Friday 07 Feb. 2025
Gold 24 KT 84,900 /-
Gold 22 KT 79,000 /-
Silver / Kg 96,200 /-
Platinum 44,000/-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

The guy manning two-wheeler parking reported to Nagpur Today that he saw nearly 5000 two-wheelers parked at any given time. He added that 300 cars were parked from 3pm onwards and for every car leaving the ground two new ones arrived till 8 pm.

Nagpur Today spoke to the CEO of MX-MDR Technologies Limited Mukesh V Panjwani about the response from the denizens of the city since he is participating in the expo for the first time, he said that he has nearly 5000 visiting cards of genuinely interested and probable clients. He was very happy with the response.


Key Computers which is owned by Vinod Verma too saw a significant crowd checking out the products displayed at his stall. The stall showcases all the products for which Key Computers are authorized dealers. The products showcased are Kodak Scanners for Document & Imaging, Dell Lap Tops, Safe Kill Anti-Virus, IBM Computers, Microsoft, TVS, HP, Acer, Lenovo, CISCO, D-Link and NIIT Cloud Services.

Many stalls which showcased and sold computer consumables and other allied paraphernalia did brisk business during the week-end. Many stalls had very attractive offers that are valid only for the period of these 4 days and only within this Comp-Ex venue.

Nagpur Today saw some of the new and attractive products showcased in the Comp-Ex explained here. A new product called ELearn Interactive White Board is showcased Yash Group of Industries which is owned by Yashwant Kerhalkar.This ELearn Interactive White Board is a powerful tool for teaching, training and collaborative sessions. It is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and a projector. The computer screen image is projected onto the surface of the whiteboard and the application can be controlled using a pen or a finger. The computer image can be annotated or drawn over, saved or e-mailed.


It empowers educators and presenters with innovative technology solutions thus enhancing participation of learners and the audience. ELearn IWB can be used in varied applications like digital storytelling, creating video-files, taking sessions with the help of educational software, websites and many more.

Some of the computer products like pen-drives, CDs and other products are really very cheap and worth buying from the venue. Many products that are showcased in the expo are useful for the engineering college students.

Well the organizers of Comp-Ex, VCDMWA were thorough in their planning. They thought of everything which would make this expo a grand success. One such thing is the Food stall which caters to the palate of every visitor who becomes tired and weary to add to the hunger and thirst. The stall did a brisk business of nearly Rs 40,000 in the week-end alone.

In all it is worth a visit to Comp-Ex 2014 at Kasturchand Park Grounds.



By Samuel Gunasekharan. Pics by Amol Gajbhiye.
