In a surprising turn of events, CBI officials snooped on the office of Gupta Coals Limited in Nagpur on March 19, 2015. Sources revealed that the team of CBI sleuths arrived at 8 am and were investigating the documents in the office of Gupta Coals, situated at Gupta Towers, 5th Floor, Temple Road, Opp. Science College Ground, Civil Lines, Nagpur.
According to sources, the sleuths of the Central Bureau of Investigation had arrived at 8 am and had started their investigations which went on right till 8 pm. Sources said that the team of CBI sleuths had arrived from Delhi. The investigations are said to conduct and to ascertain some discrepancies in documents from 2008 to 2011. The investigations pertained to some joint-venture that the company had entered into. Many documents were scrutinized till 8 pm.
However, sources inside the company claimed that nothing substantial had turned up in the CBI investigations.
Gupta Coals are into Coal mining. Besides India, the Group has entered into Coal Mining in Indonesia through long term strategic tie-ups. However, The Supreme Court had cancelled 214 coal blocks allocated from 1993 to 2011, which included Gupta Coals too.