Published On : Mon, Dec 16th, 2019

Ajit Arora is coming up with Marathi movie ‘Unaad’

1. After making the web series 377 Ab Normal, why did you think of getting into Marathi movies?
As a Producer, I prefer investing my time in content-based projects. It does not matter whether its Hindi, Marathi or any language in which the story is told, so long as the good content is captured in an artistic and meticulous way. I strongly feel that the good content Produced & Directed in the right manner is important and if you see ‘377 Ab Normal’ was based on true events. Also, my upcoming movie ‘Unaad’ has a beautiful storyline that is based on today’s generation and the journey between their teens and twenties.

2. What is the movie “Unaad” all about?
– Unaad is about today’s youth and their coming of age, Its the story of youth transition into adulthood. Each one of us will relate to the film at some point or the other.

3. What do you think, the movie Unaad will be able to reach out to the people in a huge number?
-Its fresh concept and like I said it’s about the journey & challenges faced by all in the growing years, so I m sure all will relate to it and take something back home. The reason I liked the script is while reading itself, I went back in time, to all those years of studies, laughter, joy, happiness, sadness and the struggle of growing up. So I m sure it will appeal to the audience cutting across age. We have already completed 90 percent of the shoot and by now I am very confident about the movie and its flow. People will really love it, as the story is beautifully depicted on the screen. The artists & the technicians associated with the film are already known for their body of work and have done an amazing job in our film as well.


4. What should people expect from Unaad ?
– People must absolutely expect everything which they go to the cinema for. They will experience many kinds of emotions captured in this movie, along with amazing music and beautiful locations. Cutting across every age, the audience will be able to connect with the movie.

5. What is the current status of the movie… Is the movie still on the floor..?
– 90 percent of the movie is shot and will complete the remaining shoot by this month, December 2019.

6. When will it be released?
– We are hoping to release it in the second quarter of 2020.

– Farhan Kazi