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Nagpur: The commuters have been put under tremendous distress owing to poor transport service being provided by ‘Aapli Bus’ operator. On the other hand, the bus operator is reportedly demanding money in the range of Rs 15,000 and Rs 7,000 from conductors and drivers who were previously deployed with Star Bus operator. But the conductors and drivers are great dilemma whether they will be deployed by the ‘Aapli Bus’ operator as no receipts are being issued to them for sum paid.
They are ready to give them money but new operators are not ready to issue them receipt for this sum. The old operator has also demanded money from them as security deposit and also issued receipts to them. Now, after termination of the services, the old operator returned their money. These drivers are apprehensive that they would not get money back from new operators as they were reluctant to provide receipts.
Around 800 drivers, conductors and technical workers were in service of Star Bus operator. But since the operators have been changed, new recruits are being deployed. Out of these new recruits, 25 percent are old hands. They were spared of doling out Rs 15,000 and Rs 7,000, initially. But they are also being pressured to cough up the money for their deployment in ‘Aapli Bus’ service. The new recruits were forced to ‘deposit’ the amounts sans receipts. The ‘newcomers’ lacked route knowledge, technical aspects, traffic rules etc that is causing chaotic bus service and the brunt is being suffered by commuters. The new appointments were reportedly were being done on “recommendations” of Chairman of NMC’s Transport Committee.
Around 500 experienced personnel have reportedly gone jobless and facing starvation. The old operator used to pay them Rs 13,000 salary per month. But the new operators seeking their services far less than the previous salaries.
The NMC, after scrapping the contract of old bus operator, has appointed 3 new bus operators along with IBTM (Integrated Bus Transport Management). But still the bus service in city is crippled. The commuters of city buses are still facing tremendous problem during exam days as several routes are not being operated by the new operators. Though the Transport Department of NMC is claiming smooth operation of buses but the reality is different. Almost three months have passed but the city bus operation is yet to normalise and new operators are yet to effectively operate city buses.
AAP to stage agitation on March 11:
Charging the ruling party of pushing the bus service to haywire, leader of Aam Admi Party Jammu Anand said that though the Transport Department of NMC is claiming smooth operation of buses but the reality is different. Almost three months have passed but the city bus operation is yet to normalise and new operators are yet to effectively operate city buses. To highlight the poor bus service being run by NMC, AAP has decided to stage an agitation against the local body on March 11.