Published On : Mon, Oct 8th, 2018

57th National Annual General Meeting – Round Table India held at Jaipur


The 57th Annual General Meeting, “RANGOSTHAN”, of Round Table India (RTI), a 57 years old organisation working primarily for providing infrastructure to the underprivileged children through it long term mission Freedom Through Education and many other social causes all over India saw more than 320 tables from all across India attending the event in huge numbers.

Nagpur city has 4 chapters of RTI in which a few tables were rewarded with awards and accolades for their hard work which stood apart amongst the top few in India.

Nagpur Round Table 83, under the leadership of LMF Tr. Sahil Jain, the 35 year old organisation in Nagpur got Golden Trumpet Award for best publicity award under guidance of Sq. Lg. Sharad Agrawal and Special Recognition for Best Treasurer for LMF Tr. Nishit Sharma. Tr. Kishor Murarka from Nagpur Tigers Round Table 299, was presented with the Bob Chandran Award.

LMF. Tr. Piyush Daga from Nagpur Round Table 83 is the National Vice President for the 57th Board of Round Table India under the leadership of Round Table India President Tr. Dhruv Dalmia from Kanpur. This has been a landmark in the history of Nagpur Round Table 83 and Area 3. This was 1st in the history of Tabling in Area 3.

Tr. Rahul Agarwala, Tr. Piyush Daga, Tr. Vedant Agrawal and Tr. Kishor Murarka, form various Round Tables of Nagpur graced their presence at the Annual Celebration of Charity and Fellowship.