Published On : Mon, May 8th, 2017

Will fee review committee tame CBSE schools in Nagpur?

fee review committee

Representational Pic

Nagpur: Ok, there is a body formed to check the schools who burden parents every year with ‘unjustified’ and exorbitant fee hikes, particularly the so called top schools of Nagpur – Bhavan’s, Narayana Vidyalaya and Modern School to name a few. But will it really effect the change this time? Atleast going the past record, we can say that forming the District Fee Regulation committee and then constituting state level fees review committee would be just a formality. The State Education Department’s state level committee will function under the Chairmanship of former Acting Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, Justice VG Palshikar.

The government is once again shouting from the roof top, bragging that the committee will be first such authority that would help in settling fee-related disputes between parents and school managements. Under the Maharashtra Educational Institutions (Regulation of Collection of Fee) Act, 2011 it was expected that State should set up the committee.

But can someone ask the parents what they have deal with, while paying through their nose and bear the insensitive and ruthless money-mindedness of these schools?

Most of the parents had lodged complaints against school management for not consulting parents before going for fee hike. No resolution came in sight and every time the fee hike issue dies natural death once the education session gets old.


It is claimed that the parents can now approach the committee if there is fee hike of over 15% without approval from the executive of Parents-Teacher Association of the school. But will it resolve the problem for sure? Moreover it is also not made clear whether the committee will monitor the malpractices in fee hike by CBSE schools or not?

Till now the committee was not in existence and it was difficult problem being faced by schools as well as parents as to whom should they approach in case of any dispute regarding fees. Some school managements had approached the courts due to lack of appellate committee. One can understand the importance of this committee which is evident from the fact that since its constitution in May last, the district committee has received complaints from parents of several private schools. Now since it has finally seen the light of day now, can we now see the change!

A look at other committee members
The committee will have K R Warrior, President of Divisional fee regulatory committee, Mumbai; Mohan Awte, Member of Divisional fee regulatory committee; State’s Director of Primary Education, Director and Joint Director of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Deputy Director, Mumbai; Joint Secretary, Law and Judiciary Department; two members of two school managements; two parents as other members. Deputy Secretary (School Management), School Education and Sports Department will beits Member Secretary. ParentsTeacher Associations (PTAs) or school managements can approach it in case any of the parties are unsatisfied with the decision of the district fee regulation committee.