Nagpur: Following the hard-hitting report by Nagpur Today, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has revoked its decision to impose fees on students using the Kasturba Library in Sadar. This move comes after widespread outrage and backlash from the student community and several key political figures.
For the past 26 years, the Kasturba Library has been a free resource for students. The sudden announcement by NMC to charge fees sparked significant discontent among the students who rely on this facility for their studies and academic work.
The situation gained traction after Nagpur Today’s Special Correspondent, Avani Arya, highlighted the issue. The report quickly drew the attention of local politicians and civic leaders. Key figures such as Nagpur West MLA Vikas Thakre, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena State President Arun Tiwari, City President Shailesh Sankhe, and Congress city spokesperson Abhijeeth Jha took prompt action in response to the public outcry.
Within two days of the initial report, the collective efforts of the students and political leaders led to the NMC reversing its decision. The fee imposition was officially waived, ensuring that students can continue to access the Kasturba Library without any financial burden.
This swift resolution underscores the power of community action and media intervention in addressing civic issues. The Kasturba Library remains a free educational resource, thanks to the concerted efforts by Nagpur Today and proactive leaders.