Published On : Fri, Apr 11th, 2014

Thieves breach tight security to decamp with Rs 3 lakh booty from Nandanvan house


Nagpur News.

Unidentified burglars laid their hands in a house in Nandanvan area on Thursday and looted booty worth Rs 3 lakh including cash and gold ornaments. The incident has posed serious question on police security as the thieves had their way when the entire city was put under heavy vigil owing to the voting day on Thursday.  Flashing thumbs down to the entire force around polling booths and streets near Subhash Waghmaare’s house in Nandanvan, the miscreants silently fled the scene. Waghmaare family was in for a shock when they returned from a  marriage of a relative only to discover the theft.

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Nandanvan resident Kishore Waghmare had gone to attend a marriage of his relative with his family. Meanwhile, unidentified thieves barged into his house and decamped with Rs 27 thousand cash and gold ornaments worth Rs 2.70 lakh. When Waghmare family returned home, they found the lock broken and realized about the burglary after moving inside the house. Nandanvan police has registered the complaint against unidentified offender. Further investigation is on.
