Shahid Kapoor And Alia Bhatt let Media choose which video goes on air for the song “Raita Phail Gaya” from Shaandar
“Shaandar” by Vikas Behl is releasing on 22nd October and they are launching each song with equal fanfare. At a glittering song launch event and press-conference, Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor and Vikas Behl launched the 4th song in the movie...
Shahid Kapoor And Alia Bhatt let Media choose which video goes on air for the song “Raita Phail Gaya” from Shaandar
“Shaandar” by Vikas Behl is releasing on 22nd October and they are launching each song with equal fanfare. At a glittering song launch event and press-conference, Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor and Vikas Behl launched the 4th song in the movie...