In Saoji,the balance of ingredients is very good.That is the real art of Cooking – Harpal Sokhi.

Suhani  from Nagpur Today gets candid with the Energy Chef of India and Fame of Turban Tadka – Chef Harpal Sokhi who is in the city at a Food Festival in Hotel Hardeo. Suhani - : You are a celebrity chef,...

by Nagpur Today | Published 12 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Sunday, October 7th, 2012

In Saoji,the balance of ingredients is very good.That is the real art of Cooking – Harpal Sokhi.

Suhani  from Nagpur Today gets candid with the Energy Chef of India and Fame of Turban Tadka – Chef Harpal Sokhi who is in the city at a Food Festival in Hotel Hardeo. Suhani - : You are a celebrity chef,...