Special trains ex Nagpur to Pune and Mumbai to clear Dhammachakra Pravartan Din rush

Special trains ex Nagpur to Pune and Mumbai to clear Dhammachakra Pravartan Din rush

Nagpur: The Central Railway has planned to run one-way special trains from Mumbai to Nagpur, Nagpur to Pune and Ajni to Mumbai on special charges to clear the extra rush of passengers during Dhammachakra Pravartan Din. Mumbai - Nagpur One Way...

by Nagpur Today | Published 2 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Friday, April 27th, 2018

Indian Railways announces 100 Summer Special Trains from May to August

Bhubaneswar/Secunderabad: In order to clear extra rush of Passengers during summer season, the South Central Railway has decided to run as many as 100 special trains between Secunderabad-Raxaul, Secunderabad-Barauni, Secunderabad-Vijayawada, Secunderabad – Guwahati, Secunderabad – Darbhanga, Hyderabad – Raxaul and...

By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, January 31st, 2018

CR to run 452 special trains to clear summer vacation rush

New Delhi: To clear the extra rush of long-distance passengers during the summer season, the Central Railway (CR) will run 452 summer special trains, a statement said. These trains include unreserved specials from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) and Lokmanya Tilak...

By Nagpur Today On Friday, September 29th, 2017

CR to run special trains to clear Dhammachakra Pravartan Din rush

Nagpur: Central Railway will run Reserved Superfast Special Trains on Special Charges and Unreserved Superfast Special Trains to Nagpur to clear the extra rush of passengers during Dhammachakra Pravartan Din at Deekshabhoomi. Reserved Special Train: 01017 / 01018 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Mumbai-Nagpur...

By Nagpur Today On Tuesday, June 27th, 2017

4 Special Trains between Nagpur-Pandharpur for Ashadhi Ekadashi Yatra

Nagpur: In view of heavy rush of pilgrims visiting Pandharpur on the occasion of Ashadhi Ekadashi Yatra, Railways have decided to run four special trains between Nagpur and Pandharpur. 01226 Nagpur-Pandharpur Special Train: The train will depart on July 1 and...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, March 20th, 2017

30 Special Trains between Ajni and Nanded to clear summer rush

Nagpur: Faced with the extra rush of passengers during summer, South Central Railway (SCR) will run 30 Special Trains between Ajni and Nanded. Train No. 07629 H. S. Nanded - Ajni Special Train will depart H.S. Nanded at 2245 hours on...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, February 16th, 2017

Weekly AC Superfast Special Trains between LTT-Sealdah to clear summer rush

Nagpur: Weekly Special (AC) trains between LokmanyaTilakTerminus (LTT)- Sealdah during the summer season to clear the extra rush of passengers are going to be run by Railway. Train No. 02256 will leave LTT at 13.20 hrs on every Tuesday from April...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, January 19th, 2017

Special trains to Mumbai, Goa from Nagpur for Republic Day

Mumbai/Nagpur: Come Republic Day and Nagpur will see two special trains - one coming from Mumbai and back and another going to Goa and back. This means those wanting to reach Nagpur from Mumbai on Republic Day and those wishing...

By Nagpur Today On Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

Special A/C superfast trains from Nagpur to Pune till Jan 13

File Pic Nagpur: Taking into consideration the increased number of people travelling to Pune from the city, the Railaway administration has decided to increase the ferries of 0214/0213 Ajni-Pune-Ajni superfast A/C trains. However, additional fare will be charged for the...

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

Cheers, CR to run special trains to Nagpur to clear Holi rush from March 22

Nagpur: In a cheering news to Holi revelers who cherish to hop to their favourite destinations for an extra “colour,” the Central Railway (CR) has decided to run special trains to Nagpur, Karmali, Gorakhpur and Bhatni to clear the extra...