My Tributes to our RJ Shubham
Nagpur: RJ Shubham though was very younger in age than all of us but he was a Close Friend. It was I think 3-years back when we met at his Radio Mirchi studio for live prog. on 24x7 water supply project....
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रेडियो शो के दौरान हार्ट अटैक आने से 23 वर्षीय RJ की मौत
नागपुर: निजी रेडियो स्टेशन में कार्यरत RJ की शो के दौरान हार्ट अटैक आने से मृत्यु हो गई। 23 वर्षीय युवा RJ शुभम कथे रेडियो मिर्ची में कार्यरथ थे। RJ शुभम रेडियो स्टेशन में सुबह 7 से 11 के बीच...
Radio community of Nagpur including fans still in shock and disbelief over “happy and energetic” RJ Shubham’s sudden death
Nagpur: “Aaaeee Nagpur!!! Maloom tereko, bahut kuch aatta mere ko” Radio Jockey Shubham’s cheerful voice reverberates from Youtube from my lap top. Listening to many of his videos, this seems to be have been his favorite line – his punch line,...