RCF fails to provide PF and Insurance to contract based employees

Representational Pic Nagpur: Since the time of their appointment, around two decades back, the contract based employees of ‘Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers’ still await perquisites of Provident Fund and Employees State Insurance Scheme. They have also never been provided the minimum...

by Nagpur Today | Published 7 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Monday, April 25th, 2016

Govt approves 8.7 per cent interest on provident fund deposits

New Delhi/Nagpur: The Finance Ministry has approved 8.7 per cent interest on Employees Provident Fund deposits for 2015-16, Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya announced today. The interest rate till last year was kept at 8.75 per cent. In February, the Labour Ministry...

By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

New PF withdrawal norms put on hold till July 31 after protests

New Delhi/Nagpur: Facing protest, the government today kept in abeyance for three more months the proposed move to bar withdrawal of employer's contribution to the provident fund corpus until the employee attains the age of 58 years. "The notification (tightening PF...