Vrooom to Abeer’s Birthday Bash……..!!!!
Neha Shahu, Vishnu Gopal Shahu, Abeer Shahu, Rama Shahu and Abhijeet Shahu Nagpur Today Parents desire their children to get the best of everything. The best clothes, the trendiest toys, and the best birthday parties. Directors of Om Satyam Builcons Abhijeet...
Juniors rejoice styled-up fresher’s batch at TIME!
Ritika, Harsha, Preeti, Himanshu, Kanchan and Chandni Nagpur Today. Fresher’s Day Bash certainly calls for a big event especially when it comes to bridging the gap among juniors and seniors. A Fresher's meet also helps in developing a friendly atmosphere in...
School time memories revisited yet again at this gala reunion!
Selfie time... Nagpur Today. School days, are said to be the happiest in the whole span of human existence. It’s in school that we make our first friend, have our first crush, compete to excel, hope for places in the sports...
They didn’t need weapons since they themselves were very potent weapons
Birthday girl with her girl friendzzz..... Nagpur Today. Gone are the days when parties were organized at home with simple decorations and with more focus on the handmade delicacies. With changing trend, people come up with newer ideas of theme-based parties...
NSRT-258’s AGM on Punjabi theme appeals to the attendees
Nagpur Today. Nagpur Round Table is an organization of young men who have been engaging themselves in providing education to the under privileged children. Against the popular notions of all Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) which are usually boring and dull...
A FAN-tastic birthday bash!!!!
Ladies posing Nagpur Today. Being a housewife and a mother is the biggest job in the world for a lady, since every day for her is full of tensions and stress. However Renee Alag who is a housewife took time from...
Umamiya – When great food and free spirit brought friends together
Nagpur Today. It could happen in apna Nagpur only! When a fellow who does not really need to do it, but still goes to great lengths, takes a lot of trouble and spends a lot of lucre, to arrange a unique...
Guests shower names for awaited new baby in Mukewar family!
Nagpur Today: Parenting is one thing that certainly requires a desired amount of homework, albeit a sweet task to accomplish. Before the moment finally arrives, when to be parents become proud mom and dad, there are few more happy...