Nagpur science topper Manogya Ranjan scores 95.8%, wants to be a Cardiac Surgeon

Nagpur. The city topper of Montfort School scored 95.8% to become the city topper in Science Stream wants to become a Doctor and specialize in Cardiac Surgery. While speaking to Nagpur Today, Manogya Ranjan said that she gives all her credit of...

by Nagpur Today | Published 9 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Saturday, May 21st, 2016

Nagpur science topper Manogya Ranjan scores 95.8%, wants to be a Cardiac Surgeon

Nagpur. The city topper of Montfort School scored 95.8% to become the city topper in Science Stream wants to become a Doctor and specialize in Cardiac Surgery. While speaking to Nagpur Today, Manogya Ranjan said that she gives all her credit of...