Scholars on Kalidas and Citizens should spread message of Kalidas’ epic literature: Bawankule

Nagpur: "The scholars on Mahakavi Kalidas and citizens join hands to spread the immortal Mahakavya (epic literature) of Kalidas among young generation in order to make their lives rich with ideal thoughts," said Nagpur Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Banwakule, on November...

by Nagpur Today | Published 9 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Saturday, November 21st, 2015

Scholars on Kalidas and Citizens should spread message of Kalidas’ epic literature: Bawankule

Nagpur: "The scholars on Mahakavi Kalidas and citizens join hands to spread the immortal Mahakavya (epic literature) of Kalidas among young generation in order to make their lives rich with ideal thoughts," said Nagpur Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Banwakule, on November...