Nagpur Metro to Offer 30 % Discount to School Students over Journey Fare

NAGPUR: In a significant decision aimed at providing cheaper travel to students, Maha Metro Nagpur has decided to give 30 % concession to students up to 12th standard. The concession would be effective while making cash transactions or while commuting...
With trial run, Majhi Metro to offer multi-facility ‘Mahacard’ to commuters
Nagpur: With the Nagpur Metro Rail expected to chug off on its trial run sometime this month, commuters are in for a major facility – Common Mobility Card “Mahacard” by which commuters can hop on to city buses and metro...
ट्रायल रन के साथ ही लॉन्च होगा नागपुर मेट्रो का कॉमन मोबिलिटी कार्ड “महाकार्ड”
नागपुर: नागपुर मेट्रो नागरिको सिर्फ मेट्रो रेल में ही सफ़र नहीं करवाएगी बल्कि इसका दायरा बढ़ाते हुए सफ़र करने वाले यात्रियों को अन्य यातायात व्यवस्थाओं से भी कनेक्ट करने की सुविधा उपलब्ध करा कर देगी। यानि मेट्रो में अपने सफ़र...