Two labourers die, 2 critical as water tank collapses at Godrej Anandam Nagpur site

Nagpur News : Two labourers died and two others sustained serious injuries after the concrete water tank collapsed upon them at the construction site of multi-storied residential project Godrej Anandam at Ganeshpeth . The tank was built for the labourers working...

by Nagpur Today | Published 12 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Two labourers die, 2 critical as water tank collapses at Godrej Anandam Nagpur site

Nagpur News : Two labourers died and two others sustained serious injuries after the concrete water tank collapsed upon them at the construction site of multi-storied residential project Godrej Anandam at Ganeshpeth . The tank was built for the labourers working...