Meet the girl whose vocation in life is to spread a little happiness and love!

You meet this pretty, petite girl in her mid twenties, who has completed her education and embarked on her 'professional life'. You imagine her life will revolve round work deadlines through the week and chilling out with friends and family at...

by Nagpur Today | Published 8 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Tuesday, January 17th, 2017

RISE launches “My Health” (Swachata Jaha, Swasthya Waha) project in city

Nagpur: The RISE, a city-based voluntary organization, on Tuesday launched a health project “My Health” (Swachata Jaha, Swasthya Waha) aimed at spreading awareness about hygiene. Under this project, the RISE will initiate educative lectures and training for various sections of women....