Published On : Thu, Sep 24th, 2015

Site for Maharashtra National School of Law decided: Guardian Minister



  • The School to start functioning in 2 years

Chandrashekhar bawankule l
Nagpur: Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule in a press conference on Thursday here in the city said that the site for Maharashtra unit of National School of Law has been finalized, and it is a 54.17 acre land at Kaladongari village in the district. The government issued notification in this regard on Tuesday, he informed, adding that the building construction work of school might start soon.

The Minister said that the state government is committed to the development of Nagpur district and so, faster decisions are being taken. He also informed, the state government has issued orders for starting the school of law within two years.


According to him, the site chosen for the school is adorned with natural beauty and healthy environment, and once the school comes up it will have beautiful backdrop to look beautiful, and the students will enjoy it.