New Delhi/ Nagpur: After making the files relating Netaji Subhashchandra Bose public by West Bengal government, the family members of former Prime Minister late Lala Bahadur Shastri are now demanding that the files relating Shatriji be made public and his death be probe afresh.
Son of former Prime Minister L B Shastri and Congress leader, Anil Shastri, talking a news agency said, “I feel that Modi government should make the files relating Shastriji public and an enquiry committee be set up afresh to find out the cause of his death under mysterious circumstances in Tashkent.
According to him, the death of Shastriji was not natural, for after his death his face had turned blue and his diary was also missing. He pointed out that there was no call-bell or telephone in the room of Shastriji so that some elementary treatment could be provided to him, and the Indian consulate showed utter negligence on this count. He has urged the Modi government to get a fresh probe conducted in the death of Shastriji so that the truth might surface.
It may be mentioned that even before this demand reiterated by Anil Shastri, his family members had already raised the demand repeatedly. Latest, in July 2015, Shastri family had demanded from Narendra Modi a fresh probe into the death of Shastriji, which is still shrouded in mystery. Anil Shastri in a recent interview with an English Daily said, “My mother, who died in year 1993, believed till the end of her life that my father was murdered.”
Remarking at Anil Shastri’s demand, Congress leader Sandip Dixit said, “Why is he remembering after 45 years that his father’s death should be probed? Why did he keep quiet uptil now? It is clear cut blackmailing.”