Published On : Tue, Jun 2nd, 2015

Pre-monsoon showers bring down city temperature


Nagpur: After nearly a month of hot scorching heat, when even the coolers spewed out hot air and refused to cool the rooms, suddenly the weather turned pleasant and cloudy. By late in the afternoon, there were showers in many areas of Nagpur city on June 2, 2015.


The monsoon rains are supposed to have reached Kerala on June 2, 2015. This will be followed by the onset of monsoon in Nagpur city and this region by the mid June. However, the pre-monsoon rains, on June 2, 2015 did set off the mood for a good season to come.


Nagpur Today got to capture the wonderful and VIBGYOR coloured rainbow which is a promise of the rain god to bring rains in its due season. The rains bring water to the rivers which in-turn is used to irrigate the fields and the farms that yield the food grains to us.