Bigg Boss’s ex contestant Pooja Mishra is famous for her tantrums and fights. Recently, Pooja posted some really nasty things about Sonakshi Sinha and said that Sona does black magic. Pooja Mishra was in news recently because of her shameful video where she is slapping a five star hotel staff. Now Pooja has accused Sonakshi for posting that video. Not only this, Pooja wrote some really nasty things about Sona on Facebook. Pooja Mishra wrote, “Y Sonakshi Sinha cud not fathom the truth.. Thus leaked a video of a case that’s under subjudice along with ur partner Narang? All this worked 5 years back when u did black magic on me to usurp debang..
Now it will not work for a second!” Pooja Mishra further added, ”Ur insecurity is for all to see! I will post this article every day for the rest of the month.. Until the next one comes out!so that everyone can see what u really are! All those agree pls share this article!” Readers do you think Pooja’s behaviour is justified? Do tell us by commenting below.