Published On : Tue, Mar 5th, 2024
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Ordnance Factory Ambajhari celebrates 53rd National Safety Day

Nagpur: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Nagpur, a unit of Yantra India Ltd celebrated 53rd National Safety Day on March 4, 2024 in the factory. Officers, Works Committee, J.C.M Members and Central Safety Committee members attended the function in which Anjan Kumar Mishra, General Manager; administered the safety pledge to all those present for observance of better safety measures in day-to-day life and at work place.

Further, “Hand Safety Campaign for Zero Harm” at OFAJ to Cultivate Better Safety Attitude among employees was inaugurated by the General Manager. The safety leaflet on the occasion of Safety Day for safety awareness was also inaugurated on the occasion and the same was distributed among the employees.

Gold Rate
Tuesday 18 Feb. 2025
Gold 24 KT 85,800 /-
Gold 22 KT 79,800 /-
Silver / Kg 96,900 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
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The General Manager, Anjan Kumar Mishra, B. V. Rao, Additional General Manager, R.D. Barma, Additional General Manager, Kaushal Kishor, Additional General Manager, Lt. Col A. Samanta, Senior Security Officer, Vikas Kumar Pandey, Deputy General Manager and other officers and employees of OFAJ attended the program.

Rotary Safety Shield & Merit certificates for Safety were awarded to Production & Service sections to recognize best safety activities. Rotary Safety Shield and First merit certificate of safety was awarded to Shell Machine Shop. The Second Merit Certificate for Safety was awarded to Cartridge Case Shop & Third Merit Certificate for safety was awarded to Extrusion Shop. Prizes for various competitions namely Safety slogan, Safety suggestion, Safety cartoon and Safety essay writing were distributed to the winners. Safety Officer Manoj M Tumbde, presented the annual safety report for year 2023.

The General Manager while addressing the employees stressed on 53rd National Safety Council Theme “Safety Leadership for ESG Excellence”. To inculcate better safety culture this year safety theme of “Zero Accident-Zero Harm” to be adopted by all the employees. Further, he said that best safety practices to be adopted at the workplaces will help to create zero harm awareness. He said that, human factors in cause of accidents, can be reduced by improving safety awareness and self-motivation. Any accident is a loss, not only to factory but also to individual’s family, he said.

He said that the benefit of better safety culture is to lower accident rates, more positive health and better safety climate. Greater awareness of workplace risk and better control over workplace risk can achieve the target of zero accident. Further, the General Manager stressed on road safety measures to be followed to avoid the road accident inside the factory and while using the two wheeler helmet must be mandatory. Inside the factory vehicle should not move more than the speed limit of 20 KMPH. He said that all accidents can be avoided by following laid down safety procedures and taking safety precautions by the employees and inculcating behaviour based safety management.

Further, he said that good safety culture should be maintained everyday which helps to create healthy work environment and increased productivity. The program was conducted by Anandraj Sangitwar, Senior Translation Officer/Rajbhasha.
