Nagpur: Pushing its drive against Property Tax non-payers, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) on Thursday (November 13) has seized a property housing an HDFC Bank ATM in “Acharaj Tower,” Chhaoni in Ward No. 60 of Mangalwari Zone-10.
The property – House No. 631/F/G/5 – owned by Ajay Ingle has been seized by NMC for defaulting payment of Property Tax to the tune of Rs 8,51,596.
The seizure action was carried out by Assistant Superintendent Shrikant Vaidya, Tax Inspectors Sanjay Shende, Pradeep Maundekar, Kartik Patil, Tax Collectors Vitthal Deshmukh, Kunal Motghare, Vinod Meshram under the directives of Mangalwari Zone Assistant Commissioner Prakash Varade.