Nagpur: A heart-wrenching incident has unfolded in the city, where a supari (contract killing) agent has allegedly been kidnapped for the past five months, enduring inhumane torture. The victim, identified as Nanak Suharani, was reportedly abducted by the culprits, who subsequently subjected him to physical and mental torture, including burning him with cigarette ends. A video related to this incident has gone viral on social media.
According to sources, the victim Nanak had lent money to several businessmen and had also taken loans from some hawala and supari operators. On May 20, 2023, Nanak left Nagpur to collect money related to a contract in Gujarat but did not return for five months. It was only after his wife lodged a complaint at the Lakadganj Police Station that information about the kidnapping emerged. The police then launched an investigation into the case.
Nanak was allegedly kept captive in Nandurbar by the kidnappers. He managed to escape their clutches and reached the Nandurbar Urban Police Station. He provided the police with all the details of the incident. The police also interviewed the victim’s family members.
In light of these developments, the Lakadganj Police are now focusing on unraveling the mystery surrounding the five individuals believed to be involved in this case, including the victim’s wife who lodged the complaint. An extensive investigation is underway to determine the course of action for the Lakadganj Police.