Published On : Thu, May 30th, 2013

Man entices girl with marriage promise, instead,rapes her for six months, booked


Nagpur News: A man, who lured a girl with marriage promise, instead, raped her repeatedly from November 2012 till May 25, 2013, and also refused to marry with her.

According to police, the accused one Mannu Mahesh Nair (23), a resident of Navnit Nagar, Wadi in Nagpur, enticed the girl (20), who was his girlfriend, by promising marriage with her. The girl, too, trusted Mannu, and got trapped in Mannu’s words of promise. However, the girl was totally unaware of Mannu’s nefarious designs and fell a prey to his sexual urge for almost 6 months.


However, the accused Mannu always avoided the “promised marriage” from time to time whenever the girl sought the nuptial knot as soon as possible. The accused Mannu had no intention to marry with the girl from the day one and he was just playing a “sexual game” with her. But when Mannu finally refused and made his intentions clear, the hapless girl, left with no choice, rushed to Wadi Police Station and lodged a complaint against Mannu Mahesh Nair. In turn, police booked Mannu under Section 376 of IPC.

According to the complaint, the victim girl said, she came in contact with Mannu first time in November 2012. From then onwards, Mannu exploited her sexually with a promise to marry her. But when the accused started avoiding her, she made several attempts to contact Mannu but in vain. However, when she realized the dirty intentions of Mannu the victim approached police and filed a complaint against Mannu. Wadi police are investigating the matter further.