Nagpur: As Bombay High Court is set to out with the verdict on whether IPL matches should be given permission in Maharashtra, anxious fans in Nagpur have trained their attention on the issue as they desperately await this season of the year. It may be mentioned that the High Court on Wednesday had questioned the Board of Control for Cricket in India for conducting IPL matches in drought-hit Maharashtra, where matches have been scheduled in Nagpur, Mumbai and Pune. A petition filed in this regard contended that about 60,000 litres of water is required daily for maintenance of pitches which would be a waste considering the alarming water crisis in the state.
Even as the uncertainty looms over opening IPL match on Saturday in Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium where Mumbai Indians is set to take on new entrants Rising Pune Supergiants, the fans are cross handed over the verdict.
Rohit Dhoble, a crazy cricket fan was optimistic of positive verdict by the High Court as he puts up, “Saving water is one thing and utilising water is another. Curating the pitches with water and that too with non-potable water and paying for the same does not make much difference to existing water crisis. Moreover substantial means of water conservation should be adopted like repairing leakages, unnecessary wastage and few other measures.”
Sakshi Tiwari has been closely following the schedule of IPL this year and is a die hard cricket fan. She also makes a point as she says, “Banning the matches would not yield much, I guess. Water conservation is the combines responsibility of citizens and authorities alike. I think if banning few matches really yield something fruitful then we must follow the norms.”