Published On : Sat, Jan 27th, 2018

Invited to model UN conclave Ministers talks about modelling profession!


Narendra Singh Tomar
New Delhi: This one surely takes the cake; almost on the same level as the have- you-seen- man-turning-into-monkey quote.

Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Mines, Government of India, was invited by the Indrapastha College for Women, of the Delhi University to attend a Model United Nations Conclave organized by the college students.

Responding to the invite, the Minister thanked the students and the college and wished them all the best for the conclave.


Then he quite put his foot in his mouth by all saying –

I am aware this is Asia’s largest conclave on ‘Model UN’. This will enable students who want to go into the modeling profession to get exposed to professionals from this fraternity and get exposed to their skills, talent etc. etc. I wish the conclave all the best and hope more such are arranged!

What a joke Ministerji!!

Is it that seeing a Woman’s college was organizing the do, you could not think beyond modelling? What else are women capable of arranging, you thought.

No! The second option could not be true….but we have to express our doubts never the less.

Have you not heard of, or are familiar with the United Nations???