Published On : Wed, Aug 10th, 2016

Hudkeshwar cops nab gang involved in chain snatching, vehicle lifting and absconding accused


Hudkeshwar Police with stolen mobiles
As soon as Senior Police Inspector Sunil K Zawre took charge of Hudkeshwar Police Station, he started tightening the reins on criminals and offenders. Crimes including chain-snatching, bag-lifting theft, looting and mugging etc were on the rise in areas like Hudkeshwar, Sakardhara, Ajni and Imamwada.

PI Sunil K Zawre held a meeting with his staff including officers, DB Squad and other police constables and asked them to become serious with their work. The DB Squad reactivated the informers and their circle. This led to the apprehension of many small-time thieves, bag-lifters etc.

Recently the cops of Detection Branch Squad of Hudkeshwar Police Station while on the patrolling duty, they apprehended three accused moving in a suspicious manner on the Besa Power House Road. They were stopped by the cops and when they were frisked, the cops found mobile phones of different companies, keys of vehicles that were lifted and a stolen Suzuki bike in all goods worth Rs 75,000/- were seized from the accused. It came to fore that these apprehended men were known to be involved in chain-snatching, bag-lifting etc in several offences registered in Hudkeshwar, Sakardhara, Ajni and Imamwada areas. It is suspected that these accused could be involved in other crimes as well.


The accused are identified as 1. Prayash Liladhar Chamat aged 19 years and a resident of Near Besa, Mhalgi Nagar, 2. Niwar Mubarak Hussein aged 23 years and a resident of Yasin Plot, Bada Taj Bagh and 3. Minor.

Under the guidance of DCP (Zone-IV) G Shridhar, ACP Rathore, the operation of apprehension and questioning was undertaken by Detection Branch Squad of Hudkeshwar led by Police Sub Inspector A G Ingole, Head Constable Sandeep Gundalwar, NPC Naresh Tumdam, Rajesh Dekate, Police Constable Satish Thakre and Ashwin Badge.

The cops got the PCR for them and started the process of investigation and recovery of all the stolen goods. In order to carry out further investigation of crimes committed by these accused in their jurisdiction, Sakardhara Police Station has taken them on protection warrant.

Chain Snatching and vehicle lifting accused
Absconding accused arrested after 2 years

The same squad which has swung into action under the directions of Senior Police Inspector Sunil K Zawre of Hudkeshwar Police Station and apprehended an absconding accused who was absconding for the past 2 years. The absconding accused who was nabbed on August 9, 2016 is identified as Montu alias Swapnil Rajhans Kamble aged 27 years and a resident of Street No 10, Vishwakarma Nagar. He was nabbed near Bhramand Beer Bar on Manewada Cement Road while they were patrolling.

Since the accused was moving in a suspicious manner, the cops apprehended him and questioned him, meanwhile some cops also verified from their Crime record and found that he was a known criminal who was absconding for the last two years. He had committed crimes and the cases were registered under Crime No 344/14 under Sections 392, 34 for armed mugging.

This case too was done under the guidance of DCP (Zone-IV) G Shridhar, ACP Rathore. The Detection Branch Squad of Hudkeshwar led by Police Sub Inspector A G Ingole, Head Constable Sandeep Gundalwar, NPC Naresh Tumdam, Rajesh Dekate, Police Constable Satish Thakre and Ashwin Badge had successfully apprehended the accused.