Dr. D.G. Garway making his point in the Inaugural Speech.
Nagpur: Three days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) was organized at LIT. The EAC was sanctioned by DST-NIMAT (Department of Science and Technology- National Implementing and Monitoring Agency for Training) Govt. of India, coordinated through EDII. The Objectives of the camp are to inculcate the Entrepreneurial skills in the students of professional course like Chemical Engineering and Technology, to provide them the required information about finance, DIC/MSME support available, Banks & SFC’s schemes etc.
The EAC was inaugurated by Dr. D.G. Garway, MD Anacon Laboratories, Butibori, Nagpur. In his Inaugural Speech Dr. Garway narrated his College day’s experiences and his prudent inclination towards having his own organization. He expressed his satisfaction over the number of girls participating in EAC. Entrepreneurship is the prime service to the Nation because it provides the path for wealth generation, employment generation and so on. He had declared that whoever among the participants thinks to start business, Anacon Laboratories will offer services for product testing absolutely free and also offer any required help at initial stages, which was well received by the participants.
Dr. R.B.Mankar addressing the participants
Dr. R.P. Ugwekar at the beginning explained the concept behind organizing the Camp. He appealed to participants that instead of job seeker become Job givers. He stated that supply generates demand. The mechanism of selling is that you should identify the need of the society and provide the goods and services to satisfy the same exploiting the advance technology available.
Dr. R.B. Mankar, Director LIT in his presidential address stressed that Entrepreneurship is need of the hour. A person can become Entrepreneur by ardent determination which will resolve the hurdles coming into the way of success. He has narrated the example of one of his batch mate who has developed the Industry from humble beginning and scaling the height subsequently.
Various resource persons have guided participants in EAC. In the beginning historical development of Entrepreneurship, challenges faced and evolving the strategy to success was explained. Kavita Dambhare, Flight India NGO dealt with the “Identification of business Opportunities and mechanism of product selection”.
S.R. Khujnare amidst the session.
“Technology assistance from R & D labs and other institutions on choice of technology” was covered by Dr. A.N. Vaidya Senior Principal Scientist from NEERI, Nagpur. “How to start SSI unit” was covered by C.S. Dodke Former Assistant Director MSME-DI, Nagpur. “Technical & commercial aspects of SSI unit” covered by S.R. Khujnare, Assistant Director MSME-DI, Nagpur. “Intellectual Property Rights” dealt by Abhishek Shahu of Tirpude Institute of Management Education. Milind Patel (Chartered Accountant) vividly explained about, Financial aspects of SSI unit including salient features of a project report.
Schemes of assistance and support available from Govt. agencies banks, financial institution SFCs etc. were explained by Pramod Thakur and Meshram from Union bank of India.
Dr. R.P Ugwekar felicitating resource person S.P. Ghisad
S.P Ghisad conducted session on Creativity and business- the man behind the venture. Sachin Palsokar LIT alumni and M.D. of Inex Industries has shared his experiences with the participants and answered various queries of students. He has also offered the Industrial project for the students along with the financial and equipment support. Thorough discussion was accomplished about various initiatives of Govt. of India right from “Make in India” to “Start up” from time to time in relevant sessions.
L to R Dr. R.P.Ugwekar, Dr. R.B. Mankar, Dr. D.G. Garway.
Participants visited the Industries in MIDC Butibori for getting the feel of manufacturing enterprise.
D.K. Kawadkar rendered precious help in this EAC. Dr. B.A. Bhanvase proposed vote of thanks. The Authorities of RTM Nagpur University and the Director LIT render all kinds of support. Vrushabh Shukla anchored the sessions. Ritesh Umale did the extensive photography of the Camp.
Participants at Factory visit at MIDC Butibori.
Volunteers Yash Thakur, Kanksha Kahndelwal , Manoj Chandwani, Vasanti Dhakate, Kunal Arora, Shanmukh Patnaik, Shaswati Kar, Shreyash Wankhade, Yadnesh Mahajan, Sumens Rai, Kushal Madke have taken great efforts to make the Camp a thumping success.