Published On : Mon, May 27th, 2024

Double-decker flyover in Nagpur doubles traffic woes near Airport Square


Nagpur: The traffic situation at Airport Square in Nagpur has worsened due to the double-decker flyover constructed by the Maha Metro. The heavy influx of vehicles descending from the flyover into Airport Square has resulted in daily traffic jams, causing significant inconvenience to the city residents.


This flyover, which starts from Ajni Square and is the longest in the city, descends shortly before reaching Airport Square. It is primarily used as the only convenient route for exiting the city from Sitabuldi and also serves as the main entry point into the city. However, this has led to long queues of vehicles at Airport Square.

The high volume of vehicles descending from the flyover causes hours of traffic congestion at the square. Additionally, the Airport Metro Station is situated directly in front of the square, attracting a large number of passengers. Those needing to make a U-Turn from the flyover face significant delays due to this congestion. Although there is a traffic police booth at the square, police personnel are not always present, leading to drivers breaking traffic signals and speeding, which increases the risk of accidents.

The number of vehicles heading towards the airport is relatively low, but there is a traffic signal at the square. Traffic experts suggest that the 90-second signal on the route from the flyover towards Chinchbhavan should remain green permanently to alleviate the congestion.

Moreover, the presence of large and small hotels along this road, due to the proximity to the airport, adds to the traffic woes. Hotel signage and advertisements often encroach on the road, and customer vehicles parked on the street further obstruct the flow of traffic.

According to Vinod Chaudhary, Senior Police Inspector, Sonegaon Traffic Division, recognizing that vehicles coming from Wardha into Nagpur do not need to stop, changes have been made to the traffic signal management. Three police officers are permanently stationed at this square to manage the traffic, he claimed.