Published On : Wed, Jan 19th, 2022

Codon’s founder Shivam Joshi says “Execution is the Game”

Shivam Joshi wears many hats. He won Mayor’s Innovation award for designing a Road Traffic Controller; was ranked 5th in Indian Hackathon. Among his most coveted achievements is the Automated Parking Resolver that he developed, which was selected to be presented in Stanford International University, Thailand in September of 2019. He represented Maharashtra State in Faridabad Global Innovation (FGSI 2020) and stood 3rd. He is a winner of Kerala Hackathon 2020 for rural area development, and also Ambassador of IEEE Rising Stars Conference, USA. That’s how you become a successful entrepreneur and an inspiration for others. A young, dynamic leader, Shivam Joshi is a 20-year young entrepreneur, Founder, and Executive Director of Codon’s Technologies Private Limited, a corporate training company. He is one such renowned person in the field of business who has left an indelible mark in the history of entrepreneurship in the country.

Entrepreneurship is not any subject which you can learn from colleges it is the execution of your idea, “All students should have a start-up during college or in the phase of High school. Doesn’t matter if it’s successful or how big or small. Worst to worst it will make you 10x better employee than someone with no exposure.” Starting early has many advantages you don’t have much responsibilities, so you can focus on implementation.

When you start in your college days you have many years ahead to setup your empire. The primary thing that drives any aspiring entrepreneur to succeed is the approach has to be action-oriented, if things remain on paper, they will never lead to success. Two, like your work. Three, learn from mistakes, wrong decisions. So this three things that will drive you are practical approach, love for work, & learning from my mistakes.

“If you can’t convince your own parents you can’t pitch investors too”. Indian parents are focus on academics which is totally theoretical for upcoming life. If you want to start business try to convince your parents first tell them about idea, long-term plan, revenue, how you will be different from others, etc. for starting a company/business implementation is the important aspect. Interest and dedication towards your work is the important aspect of growth.