Published On : Sat, Sep 10th, 2016

Two kid friends, another minor boy go missing in city

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Nagpur: In the kind of increasing incidents, three minor boys including two friends went missing and were reportedly abducted by unidentified persons in different areas on Friday noon. Searches are on to trace the kids.

In the first incident, the two 9-year old friends, Shahbaz Mohammed Ismail Pathan and Jagdish Dwarkaprasad Shukla, both residents of Kutubshaha Nagar, Gittikhadan, left home around 12 noon by telling their parents they are going to play. But shockingly, both the kids did not return home even after a considerable time setting panic among their relatives. The frantic search to find the two boys went in vain. Finally, father of Shahbaz, Mohammed Ismail Pathan Mohammed Iqbal (30) lodged a complaint with Gittikhadan police.

API Bhonsale has registered a case under Section 363 of the IPC and searching them.

Similarly, a 14-year old boy Mohammed Farhan, son of Parash Gabi Abdul Gabi Ansari (35), resident of Gausiya Colony, was reportedly kidnapped by unidentified person(s) around 12 noon on Friday.

Hudkeshwar API B S Bele, following the Supreme Court directives that if any minor boy or girl goes missing then the case be treated as that of kidnapping, has registered a case under Section 363 of the IPC and searching him.
