Published On : Fri, Jan 26th, 2018

Tehsil, Sonegaon and Yashodhara Nagar bag honours as Smart Police Stations in city


Nagpur: Three police stations in Second Capital City of Nagpur have emerged as Smart Police Stations. A committee of police officials and prominent personalities in its survey has declared Tehsil, Sonegaon and Yashodhara Nagar Police Stations as Smart Police Stations. This was announced by DCPs S Chaitanya, Krushnakant Upadhyay and ACP Rina Janbandhu at a press conference held on Thursday.

The Commissioner of Police Dr K Venkatesham, taking a serious note of messy affairs and ‘inhospitable’ conditions in city’s police stations, had undertaken a ‘Smart City Police Station’ initiative. Accordingly, stress was given on beautification and smartness of inner and outer premises of police stations. Subsequently, the old structure of police station buildings was changed and new construction was undertaken in its place. Good facilities at Reception Rooms, Lockups and toilets were done. Modernisation of police stations was also undertaken.


The top cop had also announced award for the best police station. All these efforts bore fruit as almost all police stations got a facelift.

For evaluation of police stations vis-a-vis smartness, a committee was set up. This committee comprised of renowned architects, Smita Gaidhane, Sanjiv Sharma and other personalities as members. The committee paid surprise visits to all police stations and evaluated the premises and working styles. The police stations were put in three categories – police stations constructed out of funds of District Planning and Development Committee, police stations having their own building and police stations housed in rented buildings. For Smart Police Station award, four criteria were put in place. The criteria were police station building and structure, premises, working style and physical facilities.

Based on these criteria, the committee evaluated each and every police station. Accordingly, Tehsil Polce Station, structured out of District Planning and Development Committee funds, bagged the first prize of Smart Police Station. Sakkardara Police Station got second prize.

Sonegaon Police Station, in the category of Government-owned building, received the first prize while Ajni Police Station stood second. In the rented building category, the first prize of Smart Police Station went to Yashodhara Nagar. Wadi bagged the second prize.

The Police Inspectors of selected Police Stations were honoured with certificates at the hands of Commissioner of Police Dr K Venkatesham.