Video: Relief for aspiring doctors as United Studies of Abroad Consultancy offers affordable MBBS in foreign

Video: Relief for aspiring doctors as United Studies of Abroad Consultancy offers affordable MBBS in foreign

Nagpur: In a significant development, United Studies of Abroad Consultancy is poised to revolutionize the trajectory of aspiring medical students by offering a more affordable path to becoming doctors. The consultancy's initiative aims to alleviate the mounting financial pressure...

by Nagpur Today | Published 8 months ago
By Nagpur Today On Saturday, November 25th, 2017

लाखों की तलाश में लाशों के ‘शिकारी’..!

एक जमाना था, जब डॉक्टरों को भगवान का रूप माना जाता था. मगर 21वीं सदी में कई मरीजों के लिए ऐसे भगवान,... अब 'लूट के शैतान' बन चुके हैं! चिकित्सा का क्षेत्र भी अब समाजसेवा नहीं,... बल्कि राजनीति, कला, खेल,...

By Nagpur Today On Friday, November 17th, 2017

एक साल से नहीं मिला रेसिडेंट डॉक्टरों को डेली अलाउंस

नागपुर: नागपुर के मेडिकल हॉस्पिटल के रसिडेंट डॉक्टरों को पिछले जुलाई 2016 से यानी करीब 1 साल से डेली अलाउंस ( दैनिक भत्ता ) नहीं दिया गया है. जबकि यह जुलाई से लेकर जुलाई तक का अलाउंस इनके बैंक खाते...

By Nagpur Today On Saturday, May 13th, 2017

High-value transactions by doctors, lawyers under income tax lens

Mumbai: Senior tax officials are reaching out to chartered accountants and CFOs to drive home the point that by May 31 business establishments, various financial institutions and professionals, including doctors, lawyers and architects, will have to report a slew of...

By Nagpur Today On Friday, February 10th, 2017

Medical community of city tense- over 70% of practicing Doctors of Nagpur have been assaulted by disgruntled patients so far!

Nagpur: Nagpur Today has learnt from its sources that the Medical community of the city - and in fact, state and country as a whole - is seriously concerned about the rising instances of attacks against Doctors. Specially vulnerable are the...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, November 9th, 2015

Doctors to hit streets on Nov 16 for justice

Nagpur: On 16th Nov. 2015, 1.5 lakh members of IMA will come on roads all over the country to protest against the various laws over the medical community. The excessive laws over the doctors and clinical establishment has made not...