Yuvak Congress shows black flag to Baba Ramdeo’s motorcade: Five office-bearers arrested

Nagpur: Under the leadership of General Secretary Nikhita Dilip Khairwar some of the activists and office-bearers showed black flags to Baba Ramdeo’s motorcade on September 10, 2016. This was undertaken Nagpur jointly by Lok Sabha Yuvak Congress South and West under...

by Nagpur Today | Published 8 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Saturday, September 10th, 2016

Yuvak Congress shows black flag to Baba Ramdeo’s motorcade: Five office-bearers arrested

Nagpur: Under the leadership of General Secretary Nikhita Dilip Khairwar some of the activists and office-bearers showed black flags to Baba Ramdeo’s motorcade on September 10, 2016. This was undertaken Nagpur jointly by Lok Sabha Yuvak Congress South and West under...