WHO ने मंकीपॉक्स के बढ़ते मामलों पर फिर किया अलर्ट

WHO ने मंकीपॉक्स के बढ़ते मामलों पर फिर किया अलर्ट

कहा- यौन संबंध और दूषित पदार्थों से भी फैल सकता है वायरस नई दिल्ली. दुनियाभर में मंकीपॉक्स (monkeypox) के बढ़ते मामलों पर विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) ने फिर अलर्ट किया है। WHO के दक्षिण-पूर्व एशिया क्षेत्र (South-East Asia Region) के क्षेत्रीय...

by Nagpur Today | Published 3 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Saturday, May 27th, 2017

WHO confirms three Zika virus cases in Ahmedabad, 1st in the country

Ahmedabad: The ​World Health Organization ​confirmed the first three cases of Zika virus in India, as having been reported from Ahmedabad, which includes a pregnant lady tested this January. All the cases are from the Bapunagar area of the city. ​ Confirming...

By Nagpur Today On Saturday, June 18th, 2016

No threat to polio-free status of India: WHO

File Pic New Delhi/Nagpur: Amidst concerns over resurfacing of polio cases in India, the World Health Organisation on Saturday said there is "no threat" to the polio-free status of all South East Asian region countries, including India, and the detection...