नागपूरनजीकच्या वाकी डोहात विद्यार्थी बुडाला

नागपूर: फिरण्यासाठी आलेल्या विद्यार्थ्यांपैकी एक विद्यार्थी हा वाकी येथील कन्हान नदीच्या डोहात बुडाला. ही घटना मंगळवारी (दि. २) दुपारी ३ वाजताच्या सुमारास घडली. पोलिसांनी शोधाशोध केली, परंतु त्याचा शोध घेण्यात यश येऊ शकले नाही. राजा मिश्रा (१६, रा. टीव्ही टॉवर, सेमिनरी...

by Nagpur Today | Published 7 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Friday, July 28th, 2017

Waki Tragedy : Locals had warned boys who met watery grave

Nagpur: Celebration of Nagpanchmi turned into tragedy for three friends who, soaked into festive revellery, took to swimming in gushing Kanhan river in Waki. Never did they know that all the joy would soon sink into the waves of sorrow....

By Nagpur Today On Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Two picnickers die after drowning in Waki River

Nagpur: In a tragic incident two men died after drowning while swimming in Waki River near which they had gone for a picnic. The deceased have been identified as Rajan Rajesh Pannami and Rahul Mendule, both 22 years old. Body of...