CA Kirit Kalyani re-elected President of VMV Commerce College Alumni Assn
CA Kirit N. Kalyani, President, Ashok Dada Sawarkar, Sr. Vice President, Prof. Bhavesh Bhuptani Secretary, Prof. Dr. Natasha Sharma, Jt. Secretary and CA Kanhaiya Malviya, Treasurer Nagpur: In the AGM of VMV Commerce, JMT Arts and JJP Science College Alumni...
CA Kirit Kalyani re-elected President of VMV Commerce College Alumni Assn
CA Kirit N. Kalyani, President, Ashok Dada Sawarkar, Sr. Vice President, Prof. Bhavesh Bhuptani Secretary, Prof. Dr. Natasha Sharma, Jt. Secretary and CA Kanhaiya Malviya, Treasurer Nagpur: In the AGM of VMV Commerce, JMT Arts and JJP Science College Alumni...