Vegetable vendor in Aurangabad hangs self over erroneous power bill of Rs 8.64 lakh

Aurangabad: A vegetable vendor allegedly committed suicide after receiving an electricity bill of Rs 8.64 lakh for the month of March which the power distribution firm later said was an erroneous one caused due to a missing decimal point. Jagannath Nehaji...

by Nagpur Today | Published 7 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Friday, May 11th, 2018

Vegetable vendor in Aurangabad hangs self over erroneous power bill of Rs 8.64 lakh

Aurangabad: A vegetable vendor allegedly committed suicide after receiving an electricity bill of Rs 8.64 lakh for the month of March which the power distribution firm later said was an erroneous one caused due to a missing decimal point. Jagannath Nehaji...