Umrer Expansion project of WCL, inaugurated at the hands of Dr. A. K. Dubey

Brainstorming Session for CIL and its subsidiaries on Employee Cost held in Nagpur Bal Nikunj School of CMPDI inaugurated at the hands of R. Mohandas Nagpur: Umrer Expansion project of Nagpur Area of Western Coalfields Limited is inaugurated at the hands of...

by Nagpur Today | Published 9 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Thursday, January 21st, 2016

Umrer Expansion project of WCL, inaugurated at the hands of Dr. A. K. Dubey

Brainstorming Session for CIL and its subsidiaries on Employee Cost held in Nagpur Bal Nikunj School of CMPDI inaugurated at the hands of R. Mohandas Nagpur: Umrer Expansion project of Nagpur Area of Western Coalfields Limited is inaugurated at the hands of...