Goods train derails at Vihirgaon near Nagpur, rail traffic disrupted

File Pic Nagpur: Atleast 2 trains passing from Nagpur are included among the 3 trains that has been cancelled on Friday following derailment of a coal laden goods train at Vihirgaon station, 100 kms off Nagpur. Cranes of 140 tonnes...

by Nagpur Today | Published 8 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Friday, January 6th, 2017

Goods train derails at Vihirgaon near Nagpur, rail traffic disrupted

File Pic Nagpur: Atleast 2 trains passing from Nagpur are included among the 3 trains that has been cancelled on Friday following derailment of a coal laden goods train at Vihirgaon station, 100 kms off Nagpur. Cranes of 140 tonnes...