Labourer Kisaniya Kurwe death: case registered against two for negligence in security
Nagpur: Sitaburdi cops have registered a case against Ravishankar Rahangdale and Suresh Maraskolhe, supervisors of under construction building, Empressa Central for overlooking the security norms which, allegedly, resulted in death of Kisaniya Kurwe. According to the information received, Kisaniya Kurwe, had...
Labourer Kisaniya Kurwe death: case registered against two for negligence in security
Nagpur: Sitaburdi cops have registered a case against Ravishankar Rahangdale and Suresh Maraskolhe, supervisors of under construction building, Empressa Central for overlooking the security norms which, allegedly, resulted in death of Kisaniya Kurwe. According to the information received, Kisaniya Kurwe, had...