10 years rigorous imprisonment to father who raped his own daughter

Nagpur: In a landmark verdict, Judge of District Court Justice G Rathi had awarded ten years of rigorous imprisonment to the father who had raped his own daughter repeatedly and caused her to become pregnant. Judge of District Court Justice G...

by Nagpur Today | Published 8 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

नाबालिक बेटी को हवस का शिकार बनाने वाले पिता को 10 साल की सजा

नागपुर : जिला सत्र न्यायलय ने बुधवार को अपनी नाबालिग बेटी को हवस का शिकार बनाकर गर्भवती बनाने वाले पिता को 10 साल की सजा सुनायी है। न्यायाधीश के जी राठी ने अपने फैसले में आरोपी पिता सलीम अंसारी को 10...