Labourer falls to death at under construction Global Square Mall in Nagpur

Labourer falls to death at under construction Global Square Mall in Nagpur

Nagpur: A 25-year-old labourer fell to death from the first floor of an under construction Global Square Mall in Nagpur city, police said on Tuesday. The incident took place at Global Square Mall on Monday afternoon, when the victim was...

by Nagpur Today | Published 2 years ago
Labourer falls to death at under construction Global Square Mall in Nagpur
By Nagpur Today On Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

Labourer falls to death at under construction Global Square Mall in Nagpur

Nagpur: A 25-year-old labourer fell to death from the first floor of an under construction Global Square Mall in Nagpur city, police said on Tuesday. The incident took place at Global Square Mall on Monday afternoon, when the victim was...